Trident News

Displaying 31 - 40 of 82 matches

Survey highlights key influences on feed purchasing decisions 15/02/2013

In a recent independent survey commissioned by Trident, more than 500 farmers were asked about their livestock feeding habits, and some of the influences behind the decisions that were made.

Dairy feeding survey highlights key issues and trends 29/01/2013

In an independent survey commissioned by Trident, more than 500 farmers were asked about feeding and feed choice. These are the results from the dairy farmers in the group.

Ewe feeding still a priority to safeguard performance 29/01/2013

With feed prices having risen substantially during the last 12-18 months, many of the more popular sheep straight feeds may be in short supply as demand for the best value alternative feeds increases. Its significantly increased the challenge facing sh

Tackle underperforming rations now to prevent further losses 21/12/2012

With just under half the winter still to go, and many cows likely to be at least partially housed and fed for several months after that, nows the time to check on herd performance and adjust feeding strategies accordingly. Its an opportunity to reas

Variable feed quality needs a careful balance this winter 19/12/2012

With feed costs markedly higher than a year ago and the availability of popular feeds limited in many areas, Trident nutrition manager Dr Michael Marsden is urging sheep producers to take extra care with feed choice this winter. Only a carefully planned a

Tackle silage quality issues head on to avoid performance loss 09/11/2012

The atrocious summer weather has had a big impact on silage quality, with independent data showing the wettest 20% of tested first cut grass silages averaged just 20.1% dry matter (DM), and the driest 20% averaged 44.7% DM.

Understanding rumen-protected fats 07/11/2012

As milk yields have increased in recent years, the need to raise energy intakes to support additional production has meant either higher dry matter intake (DMI), greater energy density in the diet, or both. But if DMI is constrained, whether by the geneti

Liquid feed solution produced on the regions doorstep* 17/10/2012

Livestock farmers in the Midlands faced with high feed costs should be careful not to overlook the great value alternative feeds produced in the region. Thats the message from Tridents Dean Barclay, whos urging all dairy and beef producers in the

Triple impact puts focus on protected fats this winter 15/10/2012

Low energy density dairy rations could seriously undermine milk production this winter as many producers are hit by the triple impact of this years poor weather poor quality grass silage, reduced bushel weight cereals and maize silage thats low

Local liquid an ideal feed this winter* 11/10/2012

Not only are liquid feeds a must buy option this winter, but farmers in the East Midlands are also in the fortunate position of having one of the best value liquid feeds produced locally, near Nottingham.
Displaying 31 - 40 of 82 matches

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