AB Agri

AB Agri is a balanced diversified business operating in many parts of the food chain from plough to plate. The AB Agri Business straddles high performance compound feeds and feed co-products from the food, drink and biofuels industries, feed micro-ingredients, analytical and consultancy services, livestock and poultry marketing.

Where did we start?

AB Agri began in 1984 as a single product business marketing 750,000 tonnes of 'Trident Sugar Beet Feed' – the co-product generated from the production of sugar at British Sugar’s various UK plants. The business rapidly expanded through acquisition, technological expertise, nutritional innovation and market development. AB Agri is now supplying products and services to farmers, feed and food manufacturers, processors, and retailers selling products in over 40 countries that drive efficiency in over 20 million tonnes of animal feed.

For more information about AB Agri please visit http://www.abagri.com/.

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